Conservation and Restoration
One of Scotland’s foremost assets is the biodiversity of
its natural and semi-natural systems. A science-based
conservation and restoration strategy depends upon
knowledge of:
- Species and habitat responses to management &
policy-driven changes
- Impacts of habitat fragmentation on genetic, as well as
species diversity and how this affects habitat/species
resilience and responses to further environmental
We aim to deliver protocols for conservation and restoration
of two important and contrasting habitats: upland grasslands
(widespread, high income generating potential, lower biodiversity value) and native pinewoods (flagship natural conservation resource, but highly fragmented).
- Effects on biodiversity of changing livestock densities and assessment of indicators of biodiversity in relation maintenance of land in ‘good agricultural and environmental condition’
- The effects of fragmentation and herbivory on ecology and genetics of Scots pine and associated ground flora
- How does large mammal herbivory affect birch growth and establishment?
- Does clonal variation in aspen influence the associated lichen communities?
- Predictions of how changes in conservation & agri-
environment policies (particularly through influencing livestock numbers) will influence management and biodiversity goals
- Evaluation of the extent and consequences of
fragmentation of pine woodlands for genetic diversity
and conservation
- Protocols for genetic and ecological management of
targeted upland & woodland plant species to guide
biodiversity & conservation action